Making purchases online for prescription drugs can risk your health. Internet pharmacies that are rogue lure customers with false promises as well as low prices. However, they do not disclose the information regarding the medicines they offer. The stores that are not legitimate pose a worldwide public health threat which has serious social, economic and medical implications.

Many college students who enroll participating in health-related programs could fail to recognize the numerous indications of danger exhibited by rogue online sellers. In order to improve the health-related literacy of the consumer educational campaigns for consumers and communication campaigns will be necessary.

Safe & Legal

Within the United States, pharmacy websites selling prescription medications with no valid prescription from a physician is deemed unsafe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Rogue online pharmacies often circumvent existing regulations, and sell counterfeit medicines or ones that are contaminated by dangerous substances for sale at a substantial discount.

Research has revealed that people who hold a degree from a university are able to evaluate the legitimacy of online pharmacies. However, not all individuals assess pharmacy websites in a similar way, and those that have a low level of knowledge about electronic health will be at risk to fake pharmacy websites.

If you want to know whether an online pharmacy is licensed been licensed within Canada Find the Canadian address. Then, contact the pharmacy regulator in your province. Check for “.pharmacy” that NABP grants to pharmacies on the internet who have met licensing and security specifications. Be wary of websites that promise the ability to deliver drugs to your home country without a valid prescription.

Accredited and Licensed

Unlegitimate pharmacies might say they offer prescription medicines discounted at huge prices, but they do not adhere to the same standards of security like legitimate ones. In a Gernburd & Jadad study evaluated the legitimacy of rogue pharmacies based on three elements namely: implied medical legitimacy (i.e. photographs of labcoats, the symbol for rx/health, published here and government logos) and legal legitimacy (i.e. FDA approval statement, and government logos) as well as the credibility of the seller (i.e. reviews from customers).

If you purchase a medicine from a fraudulent internet store may put your health at risk. Health is at risk if you purchase counterfeit drugs. It may not contain medicinal ingredients, or have dangerous reactions. You also run the danger of having your private data stolen.

Internet-based purchases of medicines have significant health, economic, and social consequences. Controlling this type of business can be challenging and complex, due part due to the inherent challenges in dealing with an unmaterial and globalized medium. Additionally, the consumers lack capabilities and knowledge to judge health information that appears online.

Easy & Convenient

The online shopping experience for Ambien is easy, secure and straightforward. There are many reliable websites that offer the sleep aid at competitive prices and can deliver directly to your doorstep. It is possible to avoid the need to visit a pharmacy locally and also save your time. You should make purchases only on licensed websites from your nation. These pharmacies do not have the authority to be regulated by local pharmacies boards and can sell counterfeit or expired drugs. It’s better to purchase Ambien via a trusted site than on sites that advertise prescription medications without a prescription.

Recent research of respondents in colleges found that college students tend to evaluate Internet pharmacies negatively. The study created two Internet pharmacies that were based on five actual drug stores they discovered by using search terms like “no prescriptio” using Yahoo or Google. In a survey asking users to rate both pharmacies using the scale of 1-10, respondents provided Pharmacy A favorable ratings even though it had multiple untrustworthy attributes.


The online pharmacies have lower prices as compared to neighborhood pharmacies. They can cost less regardless of whether you have insurance. It is, however, difficult to know how many people buy drugs via the Internet and what amount of cash they generate, since the business is not publicized.

In a study of the accuracy of information offered by Internet pharmacies in Gurau et. al. [75] surveyed a number of patients and concluded that they were concerned about lack of license on the part of the pharmacy, security concerns, privacy of payments made online, the appearance of a prescription, and drug quality.

This is particularly important in the case of pharmaceuticals as they are heavily monitored due to the risk they pose. Also, they require the supervision of health professionals. Thus, it is important to develop consumer education programs and communication campaigns that explain the differing quality of web-based info, help build assessment skills and encourage the use of digital media. In addition, these educational programs should be accompanied by information regarding the negative effects of buying medication on the internet.